
Relevant national and international publications on the topic of Open Science


Quality Assessment in Recruitment Processes at Higher Education Institutions in Austria. An analytical review of practices, perspectives and challenges.
Study leaders: Ulrike Felt, Maximilian Fochler. The aim of this study is to reflect the current state of the discussion on the processes of defining and measuring the quality of academic performance in the context of appointment procedures at higher education institutions (HEIs) in Austria and to analyse the perspectives of the actors on future prospects, challenges and obstacles. The focus of our analysis is on recruitment processes in accordance with Section 98 of the Austrian Universities Act, i.e. recruitment to university professors. We only discuss recruitment processes according to paragraph 99, i.e. in the context of the tenure track, where interfaces and interactions with processes according to paragraph 98 arise.
Next Generation Metrics for Scientific and Scholarly Research in Europe
The focus of this report is the aspect of academic evaluation that shows great potential for significant advancements in the coming years: the use and advancement of next-generation metrics for responsible research evaluation, encompassing open science, societal impact, and innovation. Addressing the crucial matter of next-generation metrics for academic teaching will necessitate the establishment of another LERU expert group.
Research Assessment
Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes
European Commission. Study to evaluate the effects of the EU copyright framework on research and the effects of potential interventions and to identify and present relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation, with a focus on rights and obligations.
EU Commission
Research Data
‘‘Towards Responsible Publishing”: Findings from a global stakeholder consultation – Executive Summary
This report presents an insightful picture of researchers’ attitudes towards innovative research practices, such as open access publishing, preprint posting, open peer review and the incentives needed to embrace these behaviours.
cOAlition S
Research Assessment and Career Paths for Researchers: National Recommendations for Austria in the Context of the European Research Area
Final report and recommendations of the Austrian Higher Education Conference Working Group on careers in research in the context of the European Research Area
Research Assessment


Recognising What We Value: Recommendations on Recognition Systems - Science Europe Report
Based on the Science Europe Values Framework (published in July 2022), this paper provides practical recommendations and good practice examples detailing how research organisations can continuously improve the way they assess research and researchers. The recommendations help to embed our shared values and contribute to the evolution of research cultures in Europe.
Science Europe
Open Access in Germany
On 6 June 2023, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) publish the paper Open Access in Germany. With this document, they declare, in line with the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities, that Open Access should become the standard for publicly funded research.
Open Access
Analysis the legal framework for Open Science in Austria
This report identifies and analyses the legal issues surrounding Open Science. The recommendations presented are based on an analysis of the European and Austrian legal situation as well as on interviews and a round table with experts from the field of Open Science.
Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S
cOAlition S – an international consortium of research funding and performing organisations, committed to making full and immediate Open Access a reality. In this document, are proposed a vision and set of principles that a future scholarly communication system should aspire to, along with a mission that enables research funders – in collaboration with other key stakeholders – to deliver on this.
Plan S
cOAlition S
Recommendation regarding charting Sweden's path beyond the transformative agreements
To create a foundation for how best to carry out the transition to open access, The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions decided to convene a beyond transformative agreements working group. The group included researchers, representatives from higher education institutions and funders as well as negotiators from the Bibsam Consortium, and its purpose was to develop a strategy for Sweden’s – and more specifically the Bibsam Consortium’s – negotiations with the publishers in the coming years.
Open Access


A closer look at research data practices in European universities Follow-up to the 2020-21 EUA Open Science survey.
This report presents the detailed results of the EEA 2020-2021 Open Science Survey with a focus on research data practices at European universities.
Research Data
The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025.
The EEA Open Science Agenda 2025 defines the EEA's priorities in this area and describes the current context, challenges and developments planned for the coming years. It also outlines the actions the EEA will take to advance this agenda.
Policy Papers
Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment
After almost a year of consultation, the European Commission, EEA representatives and Science Europe have agreed on the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment. The process of drafting the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment was launched in January 2022 and involved more than 350 organisations from over 40 countries. The key points of the agreement are in line with the efforts of Open Science and should, for example, recognise the diversity of research careers and contributions to science, base research assessment mainly on qualitative peer review, reduce the reliance on journal and publication metrics, and avoid the use of international rankings by research organisations in research assessment.
EU Commission
Research Data
Open Science Policy Austria
Austrian Policy on Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud
Policy Papers
Developing Policies for Open Science - UNESCO Toolkit
This document is part of the UNESCO Open Science Toolkit, designed to support implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. Developed through the discussions and inputs from the members of the Working Group on Open Science Policies and Policy Instruments, this guide sets out the key factors to consider when developing policies for open science.
Policy Papers
A closer look at Open Access to research publications in European universities
This report presents the detailed Open Access (OA) results from EUA’s 2020-2021 Open Science Survey. How do universities monitor OA activities? How are universities preparing for the implementation of Plan S, which will apply to all Horizon Europe funding recipients? What major steps have universities recently taken to further the implementation of OA?
Open Access
An introduction to the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
The Recommendation provides an international framework for open science policy and practice that aims to reduce the technological and knowledge divides between and within countries. The Recommendation outlines a common definition and shared values, principles and standards for open science at the international level, and it proposes actions to support fair and equitable open science for all.


Science Europe | Practical Guide to Sustainable Research Data
This guide provides guidance on how to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of research data and supports organisations in creating a framework in which researchers can share their results in a sustainable way.
Research Data
Science Europe
Second French Plan for Open Science
Second French Plan for Open Science Generalising open science in France 2021-2024
Policy Papers
From principles to practices: Open Science at Europe’s universities. 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey results.
This report presents the results of the EEA Open Science Survey 2020-2021 and provides recommendations for institutions, researchers, research funding bodies and policy makers.
Towards a reform of the research assessment system. Scoping Report
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Towards a reform of the research assessment system : Scoping report, Publications Office, 2021.
EU Commission
European Research Area Policy Agenda. Overview of actions for the period 2022-2024.
EU Commission


From principles to practices: Open Science at Europe’s universities. 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey Country report for Austria.


The Vienna Principles: A Vision for Scholarly Communication in the 21st Century
Checklist Open Access Journals
Open Access