Petra Schaper-Rinkel

Forum Digitalization


Petra Schaper Rinkel is Professor for Science and Technology Studies of Digital Change and Vice Rector for Digitization and set up the IDea_Lab – The Interdisciplinary Digital Lab at the University of Graz. Previously, she was responsible for Foresight projects on European level at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and established Foresight and Technology Assessment at the Austrian Parliament for the AIT. She conducts research on the future of research, technology and innovation. As an innovation researcher and political scientist, her research focuses on innovation systems, the digital transformation, the governance of future technologies, and methods for anticipating the future. Her publications and lectures combine questions of social theory with approaches to shaping and shaping future technologies. Petra Schaper-Rinkel is Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

OSA / uniko

Petra Schaper-Rinkel is a member of the Forum Digitalisation of uniko as well as of the OSA Steering Board.

Member of the OSA Steering Board
Petra Schaper-Rinkel
Forum Digitalization

Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

University of Applied Arts Vienna